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Oil Purification and Cooler

ADDIA Oil Filtration Cooler

This equipment uses a combination of oil cooling and purification to actively operate based on artificial intelligence algorithms trained with real-time monitoring of main lube oil temperature, TCV opening, atmospheric temperature, and humidity status information.

Manufactures standardized models based on capacity and dimension

Provides a variety of features and options to meet the diverse needs of users

Product Characteristics

  • All-in-one

    Implementation of a system that cools and purifies oil simultaneously

    Monitoring and control system included

    1 unit of equipment effortless cooling, purifying, and monitoring with simple utilization

  • System Simplification

    Operating systems are designed to reduce failure locations

    Designs that complement the analysis of factors that contribute to the failure of products

    Applying Coalescer/Separator oil refining methods

  • Operational Performance

    Effectively purifying and cooling large flow of oil (double the previous speed)

    Optimizes the effectiveness of dual cooling and purification systems

  • User Convenience

    Ability to monitor health information in real-time and retrieve data

    Adaptable driving functions and user-friendly interface

    24-hour active and predictive driving