ESG Management

Shekinah Co., Ltd. is unwavering in its dedication to quality.

Innovative and Change-leading Company

Collaboration is essential at Shekinah Co., Ltd. as we endeavor to provide unparalleled customer satisfaction.

Environmental Management

Environmental Management

Realizing environmentally friendly values

Shekinah is striving to effectively respond to ESG management to fulfill its responsibilities as a member of society.

We are continuously paying attention to and striving for solutions to overall issues related to ESG management, such as reducing greenhouse gases and managing carbon emissions, reducing energy and waste pollutants, and pursuing social values.

By increasing interest in current issues related to ESG management and through ongoing research and partnerships to find solutions, Shekinah is constantly evolving and becoming a socially responsible company.

  • Strengthen workplace

    Environmental management Reduce
    emissions of waste and chemicals

    Reducing carbon emissions

  • Strengthen resource recycling

    Strengthen waste separation at workplaces

    Strengthen the reuse of packaging containers

  • Use of eco-friendly energy

    Discovering new eco-friendly energy businesses